Friday 8 May 2009

AS Media Studies: G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media: Evaluation

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

I tried to make my magazine really girly but not a traditional girls magazine for example; i used a bright coloured pink for the masthead to grab you're attention, and hints of black on my front page to give it an edge . I also got the band to actually play an instrument and sing so they didn't
look to posed and so it didn't look as though i had got two people with no music ability, and so it would be more believable. I wanted it to appeal to an average teenager and make them want to be that person on that magazine. I used two girls at both seventeen years of age to over emphasise that it was a girls magazine that was aimed at girls around that age range that was interested in playing music and listening to that style of punk themed music. The clothing that they wore also reflected that for example i got one of the girls to wear a pink dress and pink tights because it was a traditional girls colour, and i got the other girl to wear a denim jacket, black fish net tights and a white dress. I did this because on one side i wanted it to represent a girly girl; but on the other side i wanted a more darker punk image, which is why i got her to wear fish net tights. I did this because i wanted to put across that all girls have a darker side, and the magazine reflects that which is why you should buy it and want to read more and find out about the band on the front cover.

6)What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
i have used a range of tools on Quark and photoshop such as:

I learnt how to use different fonts and text styles so i could make my font cover more interesting and appealing for example my Masthead. I used a font called "Twenty eight days later" it looked really effective for the punk style theme of my magazine.

On some of my pictures there was for example a light in the background which needed to cut out, so i learnt how to crop things out of my picture.

I also learnt how to make you're pictures turn different colours and have different effects for example there is water colour, sketch e.c.t. I also learnt how to rotate the pictures for effect, for example i rotated my pictures to make them look like Polaroids.

I learnt how to put on a background and then how to bring forward my pictures to they didn't blend into the background i did this by right clicking my mouse and then pressing bring forward.

I learnt how to get a text box up and make it a different colour.

I learnt how to import a picture into quark for example you click the right hand side of the mouse and then click import, go to your pictures and press open.

I used a straightening tool, i used this when i had four pictures and they were all wobbly so i used the straightening tool to straighting it up.